Self-care for Knee Pain

$39.99 a month

Welcome to the PT on Demand Self-care for Knee Pain OTT site.

Medical Disclaimer: Schedule a telehealth PT coaching session if you have an active knee pain condition that is limiting your ability to perform functional activities so we can medically supervise your neutral spine-based knee workout. See a licensed rehabilitation specialist (MD, DO or PT) if your knee is giving way or you have swelling limiting your ability to bend your knee to confirm you are appropriate for a neutral spine-based self-care workout program.

This video reviews a safe daily joint clearing routine followed by some core strengthening exercises to help you sit, stand or walk without collapsed posture. Perform this workout every morning to start the day with access to neutral spine alignment. Perform it every evening to reduce the amount of tension that builds up in your low back and hips when sleeping.

Visit our Self-care for Knee Pain Program page to manage your weekly online coaching sessions. Never progress to the next level of the program without your PT on Demand PT or PTA signing off that you are ready for the next level of neutral spine challenge. Remember, exercises performed outside of neutral spine alignment only reinforce the faulty loading patterns that drive the joint misalignments that cause most knee pain conditions.

Have A Symmetrical Day!

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  • Self-care for Knee Pain

    Welcome to the PT on Demand Self-care for Knee Pain OTT site.

    Medical Disclaimer: Schedule a telehealth PT coaching session if you have an active knee pain condition that is limiting your ability to perform functional activities so we can medically supervise your neutral spine-based knee workou...

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